Sunday, May 1, 2011

Diversity: If a Bus Could Talk

If a Bus Could Talk
by: Faith Ringgold
This book is full of great information about the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement and the courageous acts of Rosa Parks. This book starts out with a little girl who gets on a talking bus. The bus is the exact bus Rosa Parts first sat in the "wrong" seat. The bus tells the story of the things Rosa Parks went through from a young age through adulthood. This is a great story that tells the hardships of Mrs. Parks in a way that younger students can understand. This would be a great book to use in a 2nd though 5th grade classroom. Because of the length and depth of some of the facts, I would not use the whole book in a K-1 classroom, but would address the topic and maybe share parts of the story. I recommend this book when discussing the Civil Rights Movement or during black history month. The pictures were great! The details of the pictures really helped show the feelings of the characters. The talking bus was also a great way to get and hold the younger students attention. I think this book is a must in a classroom collection!

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