Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Young Adult Canadian Book Award

True Confessions of a Heartless Girl
By: Martha Brooks
This book is the winner of the 2002 Governor Gernaral's Literary Award. This award is like the Canadian Newbery. This is a story about a seventeen year old girl who runs into a lot of trouble. She is pregnent and shows up to a Canadian town with a pocket full of stolen money and driving a stolen truck. This is a story full of the hardships this girls faces and how things slowly and subtley turn around for her. This is a story for a mature young audience. I think this would be a great story for high schools students. The characters are very detailed and well though out. Even though Noreen makes many mistakes and goes through a lot of hardships, she always seems to run into people who love her anyways. This book will make you really take a look at the people that surround you and appreciate them for who they are. Sometimes the best things in life are right in front of you and  you don't even know it.

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