Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
by: Roald Dahl
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the move

Though I remember seeing he movie a million times as a kid, I couldn't remember actually reading the book. The recent Charlie and the Chocolate Factory starring Johhny Depp had a different twist to the old classic story I remembered. As far as the original movie and the book there were many similarities. The book and the movie were so similar in fact I had trouble finding differences. The new movie had some special effects, such as the bird houses at the beginning that catch on fire, that differ from the book and the original movie.
At the beginning of the school year I had many fifth graders that had read the book in fourth grade and completed an assignment where they compared and contrasted them. I loved how interested in this activity they had been. They remembered it all summer and it was one of the first things brought up in reading. I knew right away I had to bring in great literature to my classroom that they would learn to love!

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